Touch Screen Watch From 1984
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How it did so trumps even the fact that a watch released in 1984 had a touch screen, much less at a price of under $100. To enter numbers and.... Before Smartwatches, There was the Gesture-Controlled, Touchscreen Casio AT-552 Janus Calculator Watch from 1984. Believe it or not, Casio's AT-550 (and.... Before Smartwatches, There was the Gesture-Controlled, Touchscreen Casio AT-552 Janus Calculator Watch from 1984. February 11, 2019 1 Min Read.. The AT-550 was an incredible watch for its time, or even for today. It had a capacitive touch screen, and that .... That's when he shows us that it's a gesture controlled touch screen. He then reveals that the watch was first produced all the way back in 1984.. Touchscreen Calculator Watch From 1984. So a gesture-controlled touch screen calculator. And this watch was first produced in 1984. Can you.... Watch the epic demonstration of the Casio AT-552 Janus, a touchscreen and gesture-controlled calculator watch from 1984.. That's when he shows us that it's a gesture controlled touch screen. He then reveals that the watch was first produced all the way back in 1984.. With this calculator watch, the touch screen is used as the surface on which you write, with your finger, the numbers and ... Company: Casio | Year: 1984.. They included an eight-digit touchscreen calculator. ... to 'write' the number or calculator function and the watch would recognise what had been written by ... Again, this was 1984 Apple had just released the first MacIntosh!. Casio AT-552 Janus, touch screen and gesture control from a lot earlier than most people would think. More .... Off topic but a fine example of Casios ability to innovate. This was a digital calculator watch from 1984 (!) that had a capacitive touchscreen.. Casio AT-552 Janus, touch screen and gesture control from 1984.
I always think touch screen technology is quite a recent thing but those clever people at Casio were producing these 35 years ago. [MEDIA]. Touch screen watch from 1984. March 14 ... That'' s in fact truly remarkable provided how unreliable most touchscreen innovation was at that time. Read more:.... In 1984, Casio released their AT-552 Janus watch, which had a feature that seems years ahead of its time to .... Apple says they invented touch screen and gesture control!!! Credit - ChromeFreeDisco.. Check Out This Touch Screen Watch From 1984. February 11, 2019. 35 years ago, Casio built a watch that was .... considering the touch screen technology of the time wasnt very accurate, i think the most likely thing is that the screen is divided into several large segments -- I.... Checkout this demonstration of the Casio AT-552 Janus, a touchscreen and gesture-controlled calculator ...
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